Source code for comp_chem_utils.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Collection of simple functions useful in computational chemistry scripting.

Many of the following functions are used to make operations on xyz coordinates
of molecular structure. When refering to ``xyz_data`` bellow, the following
structures (also used in :py:mod:`~comp_chem_utils.molecule_data`) is assumed::

    atom 1 label  and corresponding xyz coordinate
    atom 2 label  and corresponding xyz coordinate
    : : :
    atom N label  and corresponding xyz coordinate

For example the ``xyz_data`` of a Hydrogen molecule along the z-axis
should be passed as::

    >>> xyz_data
    [['H', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ['H', 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]


__author__="Pablo Baudin"

import os
import shutil
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist

from comp_chem_utils.periodic import element

[docs]def vel_auto_corr(vel, max_corr_index, tstep): """Calculate velocity autocorrelation function. Args: vel (list): The velocities along the trajectory are given as a list of ``np.array()`` of dimensions N_atoms . 3. max_corr_index (int): Maximum number of steps to consider for the auto correlation function. In other words, it corresponds to the number of points in the output function. """ max_step_index = len(vel) - max_corr_index natoms = vel[0].shape[0] G = np.zeros((max_corr_index), dtype='float64') for itau in range(max_corr_index): for it in range(max_step_index): #for i in range(natoms): # G[itau] +=[it][i,:], vel[it+itau][i,:]) G[itau] += np.trace([it],np.transpose(vel[it+itau]))) G = G / (natoms * max_corr_index * tstep) xpts = np.arange(max_corr_index) xpts = xpts * tstep return xpts, G
[docs]def get_lmax_from_atomic_charge(charge): """Return the maximum angular momentum based on the input atomic charge. This function is designed to return LMAX in a CPMD input file. Args: charge (int): Atomic charge. Returns: 'S' for H or He; 'P' for second row elements; and 'D' for heavier elements. """ if charge <= 2: # H or He lmax = 'S' elif charge <= 10: lmax = 'P' else: lmax = 'D' return lmax
[docs]def get_file_as_list(filename, raw=False): """Read a file and return it as a list of lines (str). By default comments (i.e. lines starting with #) and empty lines are ommited. This can be changed by setting ``raw=True`` Args: filename (str): Name of the file to read. raw (bool, optional): To return the file as it is, i.e. with comments and blank lines. Default is ``raw=False``. Returns: A list of lines (str).""" lines = [] with open(filename,'r') as myfile: for line in myfile: if raw: lines.append(line) else: # remove empty lines if line.strip(): # remove comments if line.strip()[0] != '#': lines.append(line) return lines
[docs]def make_new_dir(dirn): """Make new empty directory. If the directory already exists it is erased and replaced. Args: dirn (str): Name for the new directory (can include path). """ if not os.path.exists(dirn): os.makedirs(dirn) else: try: os.removedirs(dirn) except(OSError): print("WARNING: erasing (not empty) directory! {}".format(dirn)) shutil.rmtree(dirn) os.makedirs(dirn)
[docs]def center_of_mass(xyz_data): """Calculate center of mass of a molecular structure based on xyz coordinates. Args: xyz_data (list): xyz atomic coordinates arranged as described above. Returns: 3-dimensional ``np.array()`` containing the xyz coordinates of the center of mass of the molecular structure. The unit of the center of mass matches the xyz input units (usually Angstroms). """ totM = 0.0 COM = np.zeros((3)) for line in xyz_data: symbol = line[0] coord = np.array(line[1:]) mass = element(symbol).mass totM += mass COM += coord*mass COM = COM/totM return COM
[docs]def change_vector_norm(fix, mob, R): """Scale a 3-D vector defined by two points in space to have a new norm R. The input vector is defined by a fix position in 3-D space ``fix``, and a mobile position ``mob``. The function returns a new mobile position such that the new vector has the norm R. Args: fix (np.array): xyz coordinates of the fix point. mob (np.array): Original xyz coordinates of the mobile point. R (float): Desired norm for the new vector. Returns: The new mobile position as an ``np.array()`` of dimenssion 3. """ unit = mob - fix unit = unit/np.linalg.norm(unit) # return new position return fix + R * unit
[docs]def change_vector_norm_sym(pos1, pos2, R): """Symmetric version of change_vector_norm function. In other word both positions are modified symmetrically. """ unit = pos2 - pos1 norm = np.linalg.norm(unit) unit = unit/norm shift = (R-norm)/2.0 # return new position new_pos1 = pos1 - unit * shift new_pos2 = pos2 + unit * shift return new_pos1, new_pos2
[docs]def get_rmsd(xyz_data1, xyz_data2): """Calculate RMSD between two sets of coordinates. The Root-mean-square deviation of atomic positions is calculated as .. math:: RMSD = \\sqrt{ \\frac{1}{N} \\sum_{i=1}^N \\delta_{i}^{2} } Where ``\delta_i`` is the distance between atom i in ``xyz_data1`` and in ``xyz_data2``. Args: xyz_data1 (list): List of atomic coordinates for the first structure arranged as described above for xyz_data. xyz_data2 (list): Like ``xyz_data1`` but for the second structure. Returns: The RMSD (float). """ rmsd = 0 for c1, c2 in zip(xyz_data1, xyz_data2): d1 = np.array([c1[x] for x in range(1,4)]) d2 = np.array([c2[x] for x in range(1,4)]) vector = d2 - d1 rmsd +=, vector) rmsd = rmsd/(len(xyz_data1)) return np.sqrt(rmsd)
[docs]def get_distance(xyz_data, atoms, box_size=None): """Calculate distance between two atoms in xyz_data. Args: xyz_data (list): xyz atomic coordinates arranged as described above. atoms (list): list of two indices matching the two rows of the xyz_data for wich the distance should be calculated. Returns: Distance between the two atoms in the list as a ``float``, the unit will match the input unit in the ``xyz_data``. """ coord1 = np.array([xyz_data[atoms[0]][x] for x in range(1,4)]) coord2 = np.array([xyz_data[atoms[1]][x] for x in range(1,4)]) vector = coord2 - coord1 if box_size: for i,x in enumerate(vector): if abs(x) > box_size/2.0: vector[i] = box_size - abs(x) return np.linalg.norm(vector)
[docs]def get_distance_matrix(xyz_data, box_size=None): # make np.array natoms = len(xyz_data) coord = np.zeros((natoms,3), dtype='float') for i,line in enumerate(xyz_data): coord[i,:] = line[1:] if box_size: npairs = natoms * (natoms - 1) matrix = np.zeros((npairs,3), dtype='float') for i in range(natoms): for j in range(i+1,natoms): ij = i + (j-1)*natoms matrix[ij,:] = coord[i,:] - coord[j,:] # find out which element to shift: # basically shift is an array of same shape as matrix # with zeros every where except where the elements of # matrix are larger than box_size/2.0 # in that case shift as the value box_size shift = box_size * (matrix > box_size/2.0).astype(int) # we can now shift the matrix as follows: matrix = abs(shift - matrix) # and get the distances... matrix = np.linalg.norm(matrix, axis=1) else: matrix = pdist(coord) return matrix
[docs]def get_distance_matrix_2(xyz_data1, xyz_data2, box_size=None): # repeat as above for 2 different sets of coordinates nat1 = len(xyz_data1) coord1 = np.zeros((nat1,3), dtype='float') for i,line in enumerate(xyz_data1): coord1[i,:] = line[1:] nat2 = len(xyz_data2) coord2 = np.zeros((nat2,3), dtype='float') for i,line in enumerate(xyz_data2): coord2[i,:] = line[1:] if box_size: matrix = np.zeros((nat1,nat2,3), dtype='float') for i in range(nat1): for j in range(nat2): matrix[i,j,:] = coord[i,:] - coord[j,:] # find out which element to shift: # basically shift is an array of same shape as matrix # with zeros every where except where the elements of # matrix are larger than box_size/2.0 # in that case shift as the value box_size shift = box_size * (matrix > box_size/2.0).astype(int) # we can now shift the matrix as follows: matrix = abs(shift - matrix) # and get the distances... matrix = np.linalg.norm(matrix, axis=2) else: matrix = cdist(coord1, coord2) return matrix
[docs]def get_angle(xyz_data, atoms): """Calculate angle between three atoms in xyz_data. Args: xyz_data (list): xyz atomic coordinates arranged as described above. atoms (list): list of three indices matching the rows of the xyz_data for wich the angle should be calculated. Returns: Angle between the three atoms in the list as a ``float`` in degrees. """ coord1 = np.array([xyz_data[atoms[0]][x] for x in range(1,4)]) coord2 = np.array([xyz_data[atoms[1]][x] for x in range(1,4)]) coord3 = np.array([xyz_data[atoms[2]][x] for x in range(1,4)]) vec1 = coord1-coord2 vec2 = coord3-coord2 return np.degrees( np.arccos(,vec2) / (np.linalg.norm(vec1) * np.linalg.norm(vec2)) ) )
[docs]def get_dihedral_angle(table, atoms): """Calculate dihedral angle defined by 4 atoms in xyz_data. It relies on the praxeolitic formula (1 sqrt, 1 cross product). Args: xyz_data (list): xyz atomic coordinates arranged as described above. atoms (list): list of 4 indices matching the rows of the xyz_data for wich the dihedral angle should be calculated. Returns: Dihedral angle defined by the 4 atoms in the list as a ``float`` in degrees. """ p0 = np.array([table[atoms[0]][x] for x in range(1,4)]) p1 = np.array([table[atoms[1]][x] for x in range(1,4)]) p2 = np.array([table[atoms[2]][x] for x in range(1,4)]) p3 = np.array([table[atoms[3]][x] for x in range(1,4)]) b0 = -1.0*(p1 - p0) b1 = p2 - p1 b2 = p3 - p2 # normalize b1 so that it does not influence magnitude of vector # rejections that come next b1 /= np.linalg.norm(b1) # vector rejections # v = projection of b0 onto plane perpendicular to b1 # = b0 minus component that aligns with b1 # w = projection of b2 onto plane perpendicular to b1 # = b2 minus component that aligns with b1 v = b0 -, b1)*b1 w = b2 -, b1)*b1 # angle between v and w in a plane is the torsion angle # v and w may not be normalized but that's fine since tan is y/x x =, w) y =, v), w) return np.degrees(np.arctan2(y, x))