Source code for comp_chem_utils.spectrum

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Collection of functions to read, calculate, and plot electronic spectra."""

__author__="Pablo Baudin"

import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from comp_chem_utils.utils import get_file_as_list
import comp_chem_utils.physcon as const
import comp_chem_utils.conversions as conv

[docs]def search_exc(kind, output): """Get excitation energies from an output file. The ``kind`` of output file is used to determine the parameters to be used to set the :py:class:`~comp_chem_utils.spectrum.Search` class. """ if kind == 'gaussian': mys = Search(output, ' Excited State ', 4) if kind == 'cpmd': mys = Search(output, 'TD_OS_BERRY| dE=', -4) if kind == 'newton-x': mys = Search(output, ' Vertical excitation (eV):', 3) if kind == 'lsdalton': AU_TO_EV = conv.convert(1.0, 'ENERGY: a.u.', 'ENERGY: eV') mys = Search(output, 'LOFEX: excitation energy =', -1, cfac=AU_TO_EV) if kind == 'turbo_cc2': mys = Search(output, ' | frequency : ', 5) if kind == 'turbo_tddft': mys = Search(output, ' Excitation energy / eV:', -1) return mys.get_all()
[docs]def search_osc(kind, output): """Get oscillator strengts from an output file. The ``kind`` of output file is used to determine the parameters to be used to set the :py:class:`~comp_chem_utils.spectrum.Search` class. """ if kind == 'gaussian': mys = Search(output, ' Excited State ', 8, trim=(2,None) ) if kind == 'cpmd': mys = Search(output, 'TD_OS_BERRY| dE=', -1) if kind == 'newton-x': mys = Search(output, ' Oscillator strength:', -1) if kind == 'lsdalton': mys = Search(output, 'LOFEX: oscillator strength =', -1) if kind == 'turbo_cc2': mys = Search(output, 'oscillator strength (length gauge) :', -1) if kind == 'turbo_tddft': mys = Search(output, ' Oscillator strength:', -1, offset=4) return mys.get_all()
[docs]def read_spectrum(output, kind, verbose=False): """Read an output file and parse it to find excitation energies and oscillator strengths. Note: If the spectrum data is written as a table, i.e. in the following format:: THIS IS A TABLE OF SPECTRUM DATA: E (eV) f 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 : : Then the :py:func:`~comp_chem_utils.spectrum.read_table_spectrum` function should be used instead. Args: output (str): Name of the output file containing the spectrum information. Can include path to file. kind (str): Kind of output, e.g. 'gaussian' or 'lsdalton'. This is used in the :py:func:`~comp_chem_utils.spectrum.search_exc` and :py:func:`~comp_chem_utils.spectrum.search_osc` to set the parameters of the :py:class:`~comp_chem_utils.spectrum.Search` class. New ``kind`` have to be implemented in those functions. verbose (bool, optional): If ``True`` the extracted data will be printed out. Default is ``False``. Return: exc, osc Excitation energies and oscillator strengths are returned in the form of the two 1-D ``np.array()``, ``exc`` and ``osc``. """ out = get_file_as_list(output, raw=True) exc = search_exc(kind, output) osc = search_osc(kind, output) if verbose: print_spectrum(exc,osc,output) return exc, osc
[docs]def read_table_spectrum(output, search_str='', offset=0, pos_e=0, pos_f=1, verbose=False): """Read spectrum data arranged as a table in the output file. Args: output (str): Name of the output file containing the spectrum information. Can include path to file. search_str (str, optional): String that will be search in the output file to locate the data to be extracted. If it's not provided, the output is assumed to contain only raw data. offset (int, optional): Number of lines to skip after the matching line before the table starts. Default is 0, which means that the table is assumed to start right after the matching line. pos_e (int, optional): Column index for the excitation energies. Default is 0. pos_f (int, optional): Column index for the oscillator strengths. Default is 1. verbose (bool, optional): If ``True`` the extracted data will be printed out. Default is ``False``. Return: exc, osc Excitation energies and oscillator strengths are returned in the form of the two 1-D ``np.array()``, ``exc`` and ``osc``. """ if search_str == '': offset = offset-1 out = get_file_as_list(output, raw=True) exc_ener = [] strength = [] for idx, line in enumerate(out): if (search_str in line) or (search_str == ''): keep_reading = True i=0 while(keep_reading): try: nl = out[i+offset+idx+1].split() exc_ener.append( float(nl[pos_e]) ) strength.append( float(nl[pos_f]) ) i+=1 except: keep_reading = False if verbose: print_spectrum(exc_ener,strength,output) return np.asarray(exc_ener), np.asarray(strength)
[docs]def spectral_function(exc, osc, unit_in='ENERGY: eV', nconf=1, fwhm=None, ctype='lorentzian', x_range=None, x_reso=None, raw=False): """Calculate the spectral function from theoretical data (excitation energies and oscillator strengths). Note: It is not recommended to use this function directly. Instead the :py:func:`~comp_chem_utils.spectrum.plot_spectrum` function should be used which serves as a wrapper and gives more flexibility on the output data. The spectral function is calculated as .. math:: S(\omega) = \\frac{1}{N_\\text{conf}} \sum_{R=1}^{N_\\text{conf}} \sum_{i=1}^{N_\\text{states}} f_{i}(R) \cdot g( \omega - \omega_{i}(R), \\delta) This expression is very well descrined in, e.g. [Barbatti2010a]_. (f_i, \omega_i) is the pair of input excitation energies and oscillator strengths, while \omega is the incident frequency. The spectral line shape function is g which depends on the Full Width at Half Maximum \delta, it is expressed in reciprocal angular frequency units, i.e. seconds (per molecules or structure). Args: exc: Input excitation energies given in a one dimenssional ``np.array()``. osc: Input oscillator strengths given in a one dimenssional ``np.array()``. unit_in (str, optional): String describing the unit used for the input excitation energies. The string must correspond to one of the keys of the dictionary ``convert_to_joules`` in the :py:mod:`~comp_chem_utils.conversions` module. Default is ``'ENERGY: eV'``. nconf (int, optional): Total number of conformations used in the input data. This is used for normalization to a single structure. Default is 1. fwhm (float, optional): Full width at Half Maximum used in the convolution function. It must be given in the same units as ``unit_in``. The Default value is ``None``, which will be latter changed to correspond to 0.1 eV. ctype (str, optional): Defines the type of convolution. Either ``'lorentzian'`` which is default or ``'gaussian'``. x_range (list, optional): This is a two-value list defining the range of energy data for which the spectral function has to be calculated. It should be given in the same units as ``unit_in``. It is default to ``None`` which will be latter changed to appropriate values related to the FWHM. x_reso (int, optional): Resolution of the spectral function given as the number of grid points per energy unit (``unit_in``). The default value is ``None``, which will be latter changed to correspond to 100 pts per eV. raw (bool, optional): When ``True``, the input excitation energies will not be converted to reciprocal angular frequency units. The output spectral function will thus be in reciprocal ``unit_in`` units and the user has to be careful for what is done to the output afterwards. The default is ``False``. Returns: xpts, ypts Those are two ``np.array()`` containing the grid points required to plot the spectral function. No matter the unit of the input energies, (``unit_in``). The spectral function (in ypts) is expressed in reciprocal angular frequency (seconds). While the xpts values are expressed in ``unit_in`` energy unit. """ # set default value for fwhm to 0.1 eV if not fwhm: fwhm = conv.convert(0.1, 'ENERGY: eV', unit_in) # set default value for resolution to 100 pts per eV if not x_reso: x_reso = 100.0 / conv.convert(1.0, 'ENERGY: eV', unit_in) # copy input excitation energies to 'ANG. FREQ: s-1' units if raw: ang_freq = exc fwhm_freq = fwhm else: ang_freq = conv.convert(exc, unit_in, 'ANG. FREQ: s-1') fwhm_freq = conv.convert(fwhm, unit_in, 'ANG. FREQ: s-1') # get x-axis range if x_range: xmin= x_range[0] xmax= x_range[1] else: xmax = max(exc) + 4.0*fwhm xmin = min(exc) - 4.0*fwhm # set number of points from range and resolution npts = int((xmax - xmin)*x_reso) # set x-values xpts = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, npts) ypts = np.zeros(npts) # get function parameters from FWHM: if ctype=='lorentzian': delta = fwhm_freq norm = delta/(2.0 * np.pi * nconf) elif ctype=='gaussian': delta = fwhm_freq/np.sqrt(2.0 * np.log(2.0)) norm = np.sqrt( 2.0/(delta * delta * np.pi) )/nconf print("npts = {}".format(npts)) print("xmax = {} [{}]".format(xmax, unit_in)) print("xmin = {} [{}]".format(xmin, unit_in)) print("Convolution with a {} function and FWHM = {} [{}]".format(ctype, fwhm, unit_in)) print("Number of structures/conformations = {}".format( nconf)) # make convolution of spectrum for i, f in enumerate(osc): if raw: tmp = (ang_freq[i] - xpts) else: tmp = (ang_freq[i] - conv.convert(xpts, unit_in, 'ANG. FREQ: s-1')) if ctype=='lorentzian': ypts += f*norm/( tmp*tmp + (delta/2.0)**2.0 ) elif ctype=='gaussian': ypts += f*norm*np.exp( - 2.0 * (tmp/delta)**2.0 ) else: sys.exit('Unknown convolution type: {}'.format(ctype)) # return spectral function as data arrays in [unit_in] unit return xpts, ypts
[docs]def temperature_effect(E, unit_in='ENERGY: eV', temp=None): """Calculate tenperature factor for the absorption cross section. The temperature effect is calculated as .. math:: 1.0 - \exp [ - E / (k_{B} T) ] where E is the input energy which will be converted to Joules. Args: E (float): Input energy or frequency expressed in ``unit_in``. unit_in (str, optional): String describing the unit used for the input excitation energies. The string must correspond to one of the keys of the dictionary ``convert_to_joules`` in the :py:mod:`~comp_chem_utils.conversions` module. Default is ``'ENERGY: eV'``. temp (float, optional): Working temperature in Kelvin. The default value is ``None``, which means that no temperature effect will be calculated. Returns: The temperature effect as a float. If ``temp=None``, the value returned is 1.0. """ if not temp: factor = 0.0 else: # temperature is in Kelvin # Boltzmann constant is in J.K-1 # So E must be in joules E_Joules = conv.convert(E, unit_in, 'ENERGY: J') factor = np.exp( - E_Joules / (const.value('boltzmann') * temp) ) return 1.0 - factor
[docs]def cross_section(xpts, ypts, unit_in='ENERGY: eV', temp=None, refraction=1.0): """Calculate the absorption cross-section from the spectral function. The cross section is just a scaled version of the spectral function that might depend on temperature and the refraction index of the medium. Note: It is not recommended to use this function directly. Instead the :py:func:`~comp_chem_utils.spectrum.plot_spectrum` function should be used which serves as a wrapper and gives more flexibility on the output data. The ``xpts``, and ``ypts`` input data are expected to come directly from a call to :py:func:`~comp_chem_utils.spectrum.spectral_function`. Args: xpts (np.array): Grid points corresponding to the x-axis of the spectral function. They are expressed in ``unit_in``. ypts (np.array): Grid points corresponding to the y-axis of the spectral function. They have to be given in reciprocal angular frequency units (seconds). unit_in (str, optional): String describing the unit used for the input excitation energies. The string must correspond to one of the keys of the dictionary ``convert_to_joules`` in the :py:mod:`~comp_chem_utils.conversions` module. Default is ``'ENERGY: eV'``. temp (float, optional): Working temperature in Kelvin. The default value is ``None``, which means that no temperature effect will be calculated. refraction (float, optional): The refraction index of the medium. Default value is 1.0. Return: The absorption cross section is returned in ``Angstrom^2 . molecule^{-1}``. It is calculated from the spectral function as .. math:: \\sigma(\omega) = S (\omega) \cdot \\text{temp\_effect} \cdot \\text{SPEC\_TO\_SIGMA}. where the temp_effect comes from :py:func:`~comp_chem_utils.spectrum.temperature_effect`, ``SPEC_TO_SIGMA`` is the main conversion constant from :py:mod:`~comp_chem_utils.spectrum.conversions`, and n is the refraction index. The absorption cross section is returned as grid points in an ``np.array()``. """ sigma = [] for E, S in zip(xpts, ypts): # SPEC_TO_SIGMA is the main conversion constant defined in the conversions module sigma.append( S * temperature_effect(E, unit_in=unit_in, temp=temp) * conv.SPEC_TO_SIGMA / refraction ) return np.asarray(sigma)
[docs]def plot_stick_spectrum(exc, osc, color=None, label=None): """Plot a stick spectrum from theoretical data. The raw excitation energies and oscillator strength are used to make a stick spectrum. The color and label arguments should be specified in order to ensure a uniform color for all the sticks. Args: exc: Input excitation energies given in a one dimenssional ``np.array()``. osc: Input oscillator strengths given in a one dimenssional ``np.array()``. color (optional): color code used in matplotlib. label (optional): label to describe the data. Return: Handle object comming out of the plt call that can be used for the legend. """ for e, f in zip(exc, osc): myh = plt.vlines(e, -0.1, f, color=color, label=label) return myh
spectra_kinds={ 'STICKS': 'Oscillator strength [Arbitrary units]', 'SPECTRAL_FUNC': 'Spectral function [s. $\\cdot $ molecules$^{-1}$]', 'CROSS_SECTION': 'Cross section [$\\AA^2 \\cdot $ molecules$^{-1}$]', 'EXPERIMENTAL': 'Molar absorptivity [M$^{-1} \\cdot $cm$^{-1}$]' }
[docs]def plot_spectrum(exc, osc, unit_in='ENERGY: eV', nconf=1, fwhm=0.1, temp=0.0, refraction=1.0, ctype='lorentzian', x_range=None, x_reso=None, kind='CROSS_SECTION', with_sticks=False, plot=True): """Plot a spectrum based on theoretical data points. This is the main function of the module that should be used to calculate and plot electronic spectra. Args: exc: Input excitation energies given in a one dimenssional ``np.array()``. osc: Input oscillator strengths given in a one dimenssional ``np.array()``. unit_in (str, optional): String describing the unit used for the input excitation energies. The string must correspond to one of the keys of the dictionary ``convert_to_joules`` in the :py:mod:`~comp_chem_utils.conversions` module. Default is ``'ENERGY: eV'``. nconf (int, optional): Total number of conformations used in the input data. This is used for normalization to a single structure. Default is 1. fwhm (float, optional): Full width at Half Maximum used in the convolution function. It must be given in the same units as ``unit_in``. The Default value is ``None``, which will be latter changed to correspond to 0.1 eV. temp (float, optional): Working temperature in Kelvin. The default value is ``None``, which means that no temperature effect will be calculated. refraction (float, optional): The refraction index of the medium. Default value is 1.0. ctype (str, optional): Defines the type of convolution. Either ``'lorentzian'`` which is default or ``'gaussian'``. x_range (list, optional): This is a two-value list defining the range of energy data for which the spectral function has to be calculated. It should be given in the same units as ``unit_in``. It is default to ``None`` which will be latter changed to appropriate values related to the FWHM. x_reso (int, optional): Resolution of the spectral function given as the number of grid points per energy unit (``unit_in``). The default value is ``None``, which will be latter changed to correspond to 100 pts per eV. kind (str, optional): String describing the type of spectrum that should be calculated. It has to be one of the following:: 'STICKS': 'Oscillator strength [Arbitrary units]', 'SPECTRAL_FUNC': 'Spectral function [s. $\\cdot $ molecules$^{-1}$]', 'CROSS_SECTION': 'Cross section [$\\AA^2 \\cdot $ molecules$^{-1}$]', 'EXPERIMENTAL': 'Molar absorptivity [M$^{-1} \\cdot $cm$^{-1}$]' The default is ``kind='CROSS_SECTION'``. with_sticks (bool, optional): If ``True``, a stick spectrum will be plotted on top of what is required by the ``kind`` keyword. (Default is ``False``). Will affect only when ``plot==True``. plot (bool, optional): To control wether to plot or not the spectrum. The default is to plot it. Return: xpts, ypts Those are two ``np.array()`` containing the grid points required to plot the desired spectrum. The xpts array contains the x-axis values in ``unit_in`` unit, while the ypts array contains the spectrum intensity with units depending on the chosen ``kind``. By default or if ``plot=True``, the function will plot the desired spectrum and show it using the ``matplotlib`` tool. """ if kind=='STICKS': plot_stick_spectrum(exc, osc, color='b') if not plot: print('That was quite stupid...') return exc, osc else: # get spectral function in seconds per molecule xpts, ypts = spectral_function(exc, osc, unit_in=unit_in, nconf=nconf, fwhm=fwhm, ctype=ctype, x_range=x_range, x_reso=x_reso) if kind!='SPECTRAL_FUNC': # get abs. cross section in Angstrom^2 per molecule ypts = cross_section(xpts, ypts, unit_in=unit_in, temp=temp, refraction=refraction) if kind!='CROSS_SECTION': # get Molar absorptivity in M^-1 cm-1 ypts = ypts * conv.SIGMA_TO_EPS if plot: # plot grid points myplt = plt.plot(xpts, ypts) if with_sticks: plot_stick_spectrum(exc, osc, color=myplt[0].get_color()) if plot: # horizontal black line at 0 plt.axhline(0, color='k') # axis labels plt.xlabel(unit_in) plt.ylabel(spectra_kinds[kind]) # show plot # return grid points return xpts, ypts