Source code for comp_chem_utils.mysql_tables

#!/usr/bin/env python
Definitions of classes to work with molecular data.

The mol_info_table class is used to store and manipulated 
information about a molecule.

The mol_xyz_table class is used to store and manipulated
the xyz coodinate of a molecule.

The functions defined here are basically wrappers to
MySQL execution lines.
Each function returns a MySQL command that should be
executed by the calling routine.

__author__="Pablo Baudin"

mol_info = "mol_info"
mol_xyz = "mol_xyz"
sql_idd = 'int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment'
sql_int = 'int NOT NULL'
sql_str = 'varchar(4) NOT NULL'
sql_flt = 'double(40,20) NOT NULL'
sql_txt = 'text NOT NULL'

# functions in common between the two types of tables
# ---------------------------------------------------
[docs]def mysql_add_row(table): headers = table.headers[1][0] code = '%s' for (lab, typ) in table.headers[2:]: headers += ', {0}'.format(lab) code += ', %s' return "INSERT INTO {} ({1}) VALUES ({2}) ".format(table, headers, code)
[docs]def mysql_create_table(table): line = "CREATE TABLE {} ( ".format(table) for (lab, typ) in table.headers: line += "{0} {1}, ".format(lab, typ) # add primary key: line += 'PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ' return line
# ---------------------------------------------------
[docs]class mol_info_table(object): """ handle the main database table mol_info""" def __init__(self): = mol_info self.headers = [ ('id', sql_idd), ('name', sql_txt), ('chem_name', sql_txt), ('note', sql_txt), ('charge', sql_int), ('natoms', sql_int), ('natom_types', sql_int) ] self.ncol = len(self.headers)
[docs] def create_table(self): return mysql_create_table(self)
[docs] def find_duplicates(self, chem_name): return 'SELECT id, name FROM {} WHERE chem_name = "{1}"'.format(self, chem_name)
[docs] def get_col(self, headers): s = ', '.join(headers) return "SELECT {0} FROM {}".format(s, self)
[docs] def get_row(self, idd): return "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE id = {1}".format(self, idd)
[docs] def add_row(self): return mysql_add_row(self)
[docs] def delete_row(self, idd): return "DELETE FROM {} WHERE id={1}".format(self, idd)
[docs] def update(self, col, new, idd): return 'UPDATE {0} SET {1}="{2}" WHERE id={3}'.format(, col, new, idd)
[docs]class mol_xyz_table(object): """ handle the coordinate database table mol_xyz""" def __init__(self, idd): self.idd = idd = "_".join( [mol_xyz, str(self.idd)] ) self.headers = [ ('id', sql_idd), ('labels', sql_txt), ('charge', sql_int), ('xvals', sql_flt), ('yvals', sql_flt), ('zvals', sql_flt), ] self.ncol = len(self.headers)
[docs] def create_table(self): return mysql_create_table(self)
[docs] def get_table(self): return "SELECT * FROM {} ORDER BY charge DESC".format(self)
[docs] def delete_table(self): return "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {}".format(self)
[docs] def add_row(self): return mysql_add_row(self)