Source code for comp_chem_utils.mts_md_turbo

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Multiple time step algorithm for Molecular Dynamics with Turbomole.

Default usage

The following files are required:
    - GEOMETRY: a CPMD file for starting positions and velocities.
    - define_high.inp: Input to TURBOMOLE's define script to set up
        the high level electronic structure calculations.
    - define_low.inp: same as define_high.inp but for low level.

From a python script or interpreter::

    # setup the system, the list of atoms needs to be the same as in the GEOMETRY file.
    system = system_settings(['O','H','H'])

    # Run MD
    data = md_driver(system)

The output dictionary ``data``, contains the positions, velocities, forces, and energies
along the MD trajectory.

The MD and TURBOMOLE parameters can be modified by setting the ``md_settings`` and
``turbo_settings`` objects and passing them to the ``md_driver``.

import sys
import os
from subprocess import check_call

import numpy as np

from comp_chem_utils.utils import get_file_as_list
from comp_chem_utils.cpmd_utils import read_GEOMETRY
from comp_chem_utils.conversions import BOHR_TO_ANG, ATOMIC_MASS_AU, AU_TO_KELVIN
from comp_chem_utils.periodic import element
from cpmd_scripts.MTS_scripts.turbo_call import prepare_and_run_turbo

    # enable management of modules through python
    print('WARNING: Failed to enable module environment.')
    print('WARNING: TURBOMOLE cannot be loaded!')

[docs]class system_settings(object): def __init__(self, atoms, linear=False): self.atoms = atoms self.natoms = len(atoms) self.mass = np.array([element(x).mass * ATOMIC_MASS_AU for x in atoms]) # degrees of freedom if self.natoms == 1: self.NDOF = 0 sys.exit('Cannot do MD with 1 atom...') elif linear: print("Warning: Linear Molecule, you sure?!") self.NDOF = 3 * self.natoms - 5 else: self.NDOF = 3 * self.natoms - 6
[docs]class md_settings(object): def __init__(self, max_iter=10000, time_step=10.0, mts_factor=1): self.time_step = time_step self.max_iter = max_iter self.mts_factor = mts_factor
[docs] def output(self): print("RUNNING MTS BO MOLECULAR DYNAMICS\n") print(" time step = {} a.u.".format(self.time_step)) print(" Max iter = {}".format(self.max_iter)) print(" MTS factor = {}".format(self.mts_factor))
[docs]class turbo_settings(object): def __init__(self, high_input='define_high.inp', low_input='define_low.inp', nnodes=24): self.high_input = high_input self.low_input = low_input self.nnodes = nnodes
[docs] def load(self): """Load the environment necessary to run TURBOMOLE.""" module('load','turbomole/7.1.1') os.environ["PARA_ARCH"] = "SMP" os.environ["PARNODES"] = str(self.nnodes)
#module('purge') #os.environ["PATH"] += os.environ['TURBODIR'] + '/bin/em64t-unknown-linux-gnu_smp'
[docs]def md_driver(sys_in, md_in=md_settings(), turbo_in=turbo_settings()): """Run a molecular dynamic using the RESPA algorithm of Tuckerman.""" global system, md_parm, turbo_parm system = sys_in md_parm = md_in turbo_parm = turbo_in md_parm.output() # PREPARE TURBOMOLE turbo_parm.load() nmts = md_parm.mts_factor data = initialization(nmts=nmts) # current position and velocities x = data['pos'][-1] v = data['vel'][-1] # curent forces f_low = data['f_low'][-1] f_high = data['f_high'][-1] f_tot = f_high * nmts - f_low * (nmts-1) # START MD LOOP for idx in range(1,md_parm.max_iter): # UPDATE VELOCITIES v = vel_update(v,f_tot) # UPDATE POSITIONS x = x + v * md_parm.time_step # GET NEW FORCES AND ENERGIES if idx%nmts==0: # step index is a multiple of MTS factor # this a "large" step, we compute High level forces f_low, e_low = get_forces_and_energy(x, 'low') f_high, e_high = get_forces_and_energy(x, 'high') f_tot = f_high * nmts - f_low * (nmts-1) else: # Just get low level forces as effective forces f_low, e_low = get_forces_and_energy(x, 'low') f_high, e_high = np.zeros_like(f_low), 0.0 f_tot = f_low # FINAL VELOCITY UPDATE v = vel_update(v,f_tot) # UPDATE DATA WITH CURRENT VALUES data = data_update(data, x, v, f_low, f_high, e_low, e_high, idx, nmts) return data
[docs]def initialization(fname='GEOMETRY', nmts=1): """ Initialize positions, velocities, forces, and energies. The initial positions and velocities are read from a CPMD GEOMETRY file in atomic units. (Bohr not Angstrom!) The Low and High level forces and energies are then calculated by calling the Turbomole program. """ # read GEOMETRY file x, v = read_GEOMETRY(fname) # Get forces and energies f_low, e_low = get_forces_and_energy(x, 'low') f_high, e_high = get_forces_and_energy(x, 'high') # store everything in the data dictionary data = { 'pos':[], 'vel':[], 'f_low':[], 'f_high':[], 'e_low':[], 'e_high':[], } data = data_update(data, x, v, f_low, f_high, e_low, e_high, idx=0, nmts=nmts) return data
[docs]def get_forces_and_energy(x, level): """Calculate forces and energies at a given level by calling TURBOMOLE.""" def write_position(fname, x): """Write current geometry to disk in Angstroms.""" with open(fname,'w') as xyz_file: xyz_file.write(str(system.natoms)+'\n') xyz_file.write(' GEOMETRY from CPMD\n') for symb, at in zip(system.atoms, x): at = at * BOHR_TO_ANG xyz_file.write('{:<2} {:13.6f} {:13.6f} {:13.6f}\n'.format(symb, *at)) def read_forces(fname): """Read forces generated by TURBOMOLE. Assumed to be in a.u.""" lines = get_file_as_list(fname, raw=True) lines = lines[2:] f = np.zeros((system.natoms,3)) for i in range(system.natoms): f[i,:] = [float(x) for x in lines[i].split()[1:] ] return f def read_energy(): """Read turbomole SCF energy from the energy file generated in the last calculation.""" lines = get_file_as_list('TURBOMOLE/energy') return float(lines[1].split()[1]) # SELECT TURBOMOLE INPUT BASED ON LEVEL if level=='high': define_inp = turbo_parm.high_input elif level=='low': define_inp = turbo_parm.low_input else: sys.exit('Wrong level in get_forces_and_energy: {}'.format(level)) geometry = '' forces = '' # WRITE POSITIONS TO DISK write_position(geometry, x) # CALL TURBOMOLE prepare_and_run_turbo(os.getcwd(), 'DFT', '', geometry, define_inp, forces) # READ FORCES AND ENERGY FROM DISK f = read_forces(forces) e = read_energy() return f, e
[docs]def vel_update(v,f): """Velocity Verlet update of Velocities.""" for i in range(system.natoms): v[i,:] += md_parm.time_step * f[i,:] / (2.0 * system.mass[i]) return v
[docs]def data_update(data, x, v, f_low, f_high, e_low, e_high, idx, nmts): """Update the data dictionnary with the current iteration values. The data are also written to disk.""" data['pos'].append( x ) data['vel'].append( v ) data['f_low'].append( f_low ) data['e_low'].append( e_low ) data['f_high'].append( f_high ) data['e_high'].append( e_high ) write_xyz_data('', data['pos'], conv=BOHR_TO_ANG, nmts=nmts, idx=[idx]) write_xyz_data('', data['vel'], nmts=nmts, idx=[idx]) write_xyz_data('', data['f_low'], nmts=nmts, idx=[idx]) write_energies("ENERGIES_LOW", data['e_low'], data['vel'], nmts=nmts, idx=[idx]) if idx%nmts==0: write_energies("ENERGIES_HIGH", data['e_high'], data['vel'], nmts=nmts, idx=[idx]) write_xyz_data('', data['f_high'], nmts=nmts, idx=[idx]) return data
[docs]def write_xyz_data(fname, data, conv=1.0, nmts=1, idx=[]): """Write or update XYZ type data to disk (positions, velocities, forces...).""" if not idx: idx = np.array( range(0, len(data), nmts) ) if 0 in idx: open_kind = 'w' else: open_kind = 'a' with open(fname,open_kind) as xyz_file: for i,xyz in enumerate(data): if i in idx: xyz_file.write(str(system.natoms)+'\n') xyz_file.write(' STEP: {} \n'.format(i)) for symb, at in zip(system.atoms, xyz): at = at * conv xyz_file.write('{:<2} {:13.6f} {:13.6f} {:13.6f}\n'.format(symb, *at))
[docs]def write_energies(fname, E_pot, v, nmts=1, idx=[]): """ print to fname: Step: MD step index (depends on nmts) E_pot: potential energy in a.u. E_kin: kinetic energy in a.u. E_tot: Constant energy (E_pot + E_kin) in a.u. Temp: Kinetic temperature in Kelvin """ def get_kinetic_energy(v_all): """Calculate kinetic energy from velocities.""" e_kin = np.zeros(len(v_all)) for idx, v in enumerate(v_all): for i in range(system.natoms): const = 0.5 * system.mass[i] e_kin[idx] += const * (v[i,0]*v[i,0] + v[i,1]*v[i,1] + v[i,2]*v[i,2] ) return e_kin def get_temperature(e_kin): """Calculate kinetic temperature from kinetic energy.""" return e_kin * 2.0 * AU_TO_KELVIN / system.NDOF # define arrays to print Step = np.array( range(len(E_pot)) ) E_pot = np.array(E_pot) E_kin = get_kinetic_energy(v) E_tot = E_pot + E_kin Temp = get_temperature(E_kin) # Check which step is to ne printed if not idx: idx = np.array( range(0, len(E_pot), nmts) ) if 0 in idx: open_kind = 'w' else: open_kind = 'a' # PRINT TO FILE header = ['Step index', 'E_pot a.u.', 'E_kin a.u.', 'E_tot a.u.', 'Temp Kelv.'] with open(fname, open_kind) as energy: if 0 in idx: energy.write('{:^15} {:^15} {:^15} {:^15} {:^15}\n'.format(*header) ) for s,ep,ek,et,tp in zip(Step,E_pot,E_kin,E_tot,Temp): if s in idx: energy.write('{:^15d} {:15.8e} {:15.8e} {:15.8e} {:15.5f}\n'.format(s,ep,ek,et,tp) )
if __name__=='__main__': # INPUT SETTINGS system = system_settings(['O','O','H','H','H','H']) md_parm = md_settings(high_input='define_high.inp', low_input='define_low.inp', nnodes=24) turbo_parm = turbo_settings(max_iter=10000, time_step=10.0, mts_factor=1) data = md_driver(system, md_parm=md_parm, turbo_parm=turbo_parm)